Estimated read time: 10 mins 56 secs

Welcome to 2024 !!!
The next new year is here! The new 365 awaits us all! What will yours bring? Have you planned it out? Have you dusted off that vision board, taken advantage of that gym membership special and picked up that new me Yeti, Clean Kanteen or the Taylor Swift of hydro have to have… the Stanley Big Grip?!
Maybe meditation is something you want more of or the rush of trying something completely out of your comfort zone. Settling down, putting the party life behind you and welcoming the reality of mortgage payments and changing diapers might be your vibe.
Whatever your choice and path on this new journey around that super hot ball of plasma of ours remember these three things.
1) No matter how desperate the day, as long as you are breathing you can make it better.
2) Outside the comfort zone is where the good stuff lives.
3) The baby diaper you change today will be the adult changing yours tomorrow so smile when you have to pinch your nose and make that “what have you been eating” face because the favor will be returned!
Now go and make it count!

What better month to wax philosophical about, especially in our business, then the 28 day spot on the calendar that features the most romantic day of the year!!! I mean we are in the business of love, lust and longing, without those ingredients you can try to make a stew but I’m pretty sure it would just taste like hot water.
Valentines Day! Have you got your reservations made? Your gift out of layaway? Your credit card limit raised? All for that one night to let him or her know it’s only about them for you.
The sun rises and sets on the ones we love when we’re in love and that’s a beautiful thing. We are never quite as happy as when we are caught up in the rapture of you. (Feel free to use that line as the closing in your card this year)
All the traditional is magical but this is 2024. Theres a new vibe in the air. Lets try something… different!
Your significant other, I’m sure, loves this day even if they say they don’t because all of us want to be wanted in some form or fashion. Not that they don’t appreciate the “day to day” but this day, to be fair, is special. It’s special to them but it’s also special to…pets!
I’m not talking about your family pets you would literally kill for, they know it already and would do the same for you. I’m talking about shelter animals.
Did you know there are shelters all over the country that allow people to come in and just talk to, pet and play with dogs and cats?
The people that run and work at shelters are so overwhelmed with the day to day care they simply don’t have enough hours in the day to provide the most important need of a animal awaiting adoption…love.

In my research I found dogs in particular are so stressed by the environment of shelters that it makes them almost lose hope of ever having a life outside the cage. The loudness of the shelter, the lighting the confinement of the cage, even the smell can crush that animals spirit… but there is good news!
That same research shows human interaction with a caged animal, even if its just for 30 minutes or an hour, can boost their sprits and strengthen their resolve. 30 minutes to an hour. Just waking , talking to or petting and animal can reduce anxiety and stress in one of the only things on this earth, in my opinion, that loves unconditionally.
So here’s my thought. Maybe before the dinner and night out with the one you love, how about both of you show some love to one who needs it the most.
What it’s Really Like Working on a Movie Set!
by Dempsey Gibson
Glamour, red carpet premieres, million dollar endorsement deals, private jets, getting up at noon everyday and being worshipped by millions…is that your dream of what “show business” is? Because if it is…keep dreaming!
Most people don’t have a clue what it’s really like to make movie magic and really do believe getting an agent and a job is their ticket to “easy street”. I’m a veteran of 40 plus major productions for both film and television. I’ve worked for HBO, Netflix, Paramount, Apple TV and that’s just the few I can think of off the top of my head. I’m saying that to say this…I think my experience in film and television on that level gives me more than enough knowledge to share with and hopefully give you the reality of what to expect when you do get your name on the call sheet!
Step One: Be Willing to Start at the Bottom…Background:
Some people hear that title and automatically think “that’s beneath me”. If you’re one of those stop reading this now and go back to dreaming because those REM cycles are as close to the big time as you will ever get.
Background actors have been and always will be essential to EVERY professional production ever made! They are professional actors because they are paid to perform and they are some of the hardest working people on any set! Carry that title as a badge of honor and take it seriously. Respect it.
Remember the “getting up at noon” I mentioned in the open…that was jokes! The reality is your call time most assuredly will be well before the sun comes up on almost every project you’re cast for as you build your name and reputation!
I worked on 40 plus jobs in a year, the number of call times I had AFTER the sun woke up? ONE! But don’t lt that scare you! On the contrary, to the people that matter your having the conviction and professionalism to show up for that 5am start will go a long way in building your rep…and in this business REP is EVERYTHING!
“Hollywood” is glitz and glamor yes but it’s also reputation, branding and relationship building. One thing to remember on that point…always work like you are being watched…because you are. You’re on a soundstage with 60 other people, 100 other people and you don’t think anyone will notice if you come back from lunch late or try and sneak away before wrapping for the day? WRONG. People get kicked off projects all the time for that kind of behavior and once that is BRANDED with your name you’re done.
Negative work performance and bad attitudes spread faster than wildfire in this industry and I can promise you before you wake up the next morning every agency in town knows about it and will not work with you. So PROTECT your name above all else by showing up clean (you would be surprised by the number that don’t) awake and ready to work. You do that consistently and you’ll get more offers than you can handle.
Step Two: Once you Commit…Follow Through:
This is crucial. Agencies put their names on the line by promising casting directors that you (their client) will be ready to work when contracted. Again, at this point you’re a paid professional so walk into the door with that attitude. Not cocky but confident that not only are you good enough to be there but that you care enough to be there! It has to mean something to you and when it does it shows and people pick up on it! The right people.
I was in HBO’s “Barry” last summer. I played a college student at a seminar where Henry Winklers character was giving a lecture. The director noticed me out of a room full of people “taking it seriously” and had the assistant director ask me to move into frame for the next shot and be just as enthusiastic. I did. I heard the director yell, “cut, great job” …The director of that episode was Bill Hader…the shows star! I had no knowledge of who was directing until that very moment, I was just doing what I was paid to do. Later that week I got a call from my agency asking if I was available for 4 days in the California mountains for another episode of “Barry” all expenses paid at double my rate. That one day shoot turned into 4 extra days and more on screen time and reputation building by my “being a professional” and working like “someone was watching me”… because they were!
Step Three: IMDb – If You Work It, You Post It:
I know a lot of people say don’t do it but I’m not one of those people. You’re on these sets for 12,13,14 hours. You’re in the heat, the cold, the rain, the fake snow (it is Hollywood). You’re working just as hard if not harder than anyone on that production and just because you don’t have a line you don’t get a credit? Not in my book shotgun! Post that credit! In my opinion it shows producers that you have experience and commitment. Some might not take it seriously but many will.
Step Four: The Stars are There for You to Work With, Not Gaze At:
There is nothing that will stop you from having that “Holy Cow” smile on your face when you see someone famous walk on to the set for the first time. You’ve watched that person and been a fan, sometimes for years, so that initial “Holy Cow” moment is human BUT leave it at that and put it away as soon as possible! The reason is they are there working just like you. You both have jobs to do so respect that and be the pro you’re being paid to be.
One major tip…If you’re ever caught asking for an autograph or trying to start a conversation with the principals that’s it for you in LA. Find another job or buy a really good iPhone and move to another city and pray your Youtube channel catches fire because you will not work in this city with that (tried to talk to insert stars name) blemish on your record. Its not ego tripping by the big name, not at all, it’s that they are there to do a job and make a movie not get your resume. If you want to be noticed to your benefit …re read “Part Two” of this article !
As I wrap it up I sincerely hope what I’ve said today helps! if this business of show is something you’ve always dreamed of then working as background will prove it’s something you actually want. Work through the fear of that first day.
Work through the subconscious effort to keep yourself in bed when the alarm goes off at 3am and don’t let anyone deflate your high by saying you’re “just background”.
As a matter of fact if anyone does say that to you just laugh because the truth is they are just talking and you just made a piece of art that will last forever…glad you got out of bed now right?! Go WIN!

“Saltburn”… Better Put Something On That Before it Scares
by Dempsey Gibson
“Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It’s been my entire life up to this point since my last confession. I have taken the Lords name in vain, I have lusted for women and wine and I have been envious of others.” “Rest easy my child. Speak 15 Hail Marys , rise and sin no more.” “Thank you Father. Oh, one last thing. I watched Saltburn on Netflix last night”. .. “Father, …Father , are you there?” Father? … Wow! I’ve never seen a man in a robe run so fast!”
After watching the newest “must see” streaming SINsaton I gotta say… I felt like running for Z Hills myself!
“Saltburn” is the story of a misplaced lifelong seemingly shy, reserved malcontent trying to find acceptance in the arms of the Harvard “esque” elite his first year of college. He of course discovers partnership with a fellow outcast who quickly bonds with him only to have his heart broken when our guy is asked to sit at the big table with the cool kids. With only one seat available geek second banana is dropped so quickly theres barely time for the door to swing closed before the chair is warmed by the new booty of beautiful people.
Of course after our shy sweet boy leaves the one that brought him to the party for the green green grass of Saltburn we , the audience, find he’s not that sweet, he’s not that innocent and for sure his love of bathwater is legendary!
The film for me from this point becomes less about story and more about how can I make you cover your eyes until this scene is over! It loses whatever grip it might have had on originality and slips into “Ah ,come on” territory especially in the way each family member exits the city block long old castle Batcave English estate they call home sweet home.
I was entertained for a minute, I was intrigued for another minute, but by the time it got to our shy college boy saying “ Youre lucky Im a Vampire” it was the express train to keep an air sickness bag handy town for me.

Kirsten Marie Rego
In keeping with the tradition of only working with the best of the best Behave would like to take this moment and introduce our newest model, Kirsten Marie Rego!
Among her many activities Kirsten is a passionate gym enthusiast and advocate for those living with Type 1 Diabetes. Having to navigate the condition herself, diabetes care and education is a central part of her life.
Welcome Kirsten! We are thrilled to have you on board and look forward to a long and special working relationship together!
Written by: Dempsey Gibson